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Pool Updates and Compliance Reminder
Date: March 27, 2025
Pool Updates
We are happy to report that there is progress being made at the pool, which includes:
• Paver repair is complete! (see picture below)
• The drainage system was installed in the area with the highest pressure, but this portion of the project is not yet finished. The vendor will bore from problem spots to the drain to ensure proper water flow.
• Outer wall cracks are being repaired and are expected to be completed by the end of April
General Compliance Reminder
It is the obligation of each Homeowner in the Community to adhere to the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (DCC&R’s), set forth in each community. The community strives to continue to be a beautiful place in which to reside. We are all bound to conform to the Articles of our Covenants.
As a courtesy, we want to remind homeowners of the top five compliance violations and encourage proactive maintenance to avoid receiving violation notices.
Top 5 Compliance Violations:
1. Lawn Mowing Regulations: Please ensure your lawn is mowed, edged, trimmed and treated for weeds regularly. Grass that exceeds 5-6” in height is considered a violation. Clippings should not be dumped into stormwater sewers. Overgrown grass and weeds can quickly become unsightly and may attract pests. Please keep your yards neat and tidy!
2. Exterior Home Maintenance: Summer is a great time to check the exterior of your home for any needed repairs or maintenance. This includes painting, cleaning gutters, and fixing any damage to fences and exterior structures.
3. Architectural Control Requests (ACC): For any outdoor or exterior home modifications, including the installation of solar panels, roof & fence repairs or replacement, gazebos, shed etc. please submit an Architectural Control Request (ACC) and adhere to the required guidelines before commencing with any modification.
4. Unauthorized/Unregistered/Inoperable vehicles/Parking: Do not park cars facing against the flow of traffic. Vehicles parked in the driveway should not impede sidewalks. Please make sure to watch for kids and drive safely throughout the neighborhood.
5. Water Conservation Guidelines: Homeowners are encouraged to follow the city water restriction guidelines of your community.
Example of a Violation and Escalation Process (can vary per community):
❌Violation: Grass was found to be 8 inches in the front lawn
1. Courtesy Notice: The homeowner receives an initial courtesy notice of the violation.
2. 10-Day Appeal Period: The homeowner has 10 days to either rectify the issue or appeal the notice by contacting our office.
3. Second Notice: If the violation is not rectified within 10 days, the homeowner receives the notice of violation via regular and certified mail.
4. 3rd Notice/Fine Warning Notice: If the issue remains unresolved, a fine warning notice is sent via regular and certified mail.
5. 1st Fine: A fine is imposed, and a fine notice is sent by regular and certified mail (30 days from the first notice).
6. 2nd Fine: The fine is increased, and notice is sent via regular and certified mail. The fine may be levied per occurrence.
7. 3rd Fine: The fine is increased again, and notice is sent via regular and certified mail. The fine may be levied per occurrence.
Self-Help Clause:
Self-help requests may be initiated at the Board’s discretion at any point in the violation process depending on the type of violation and severity. In this case, the board would hire landscapers to complete the lawn work needed, and it would be billed to the homeowner’s account.
Need Assistance? Use Our Online Resource Tool!
Please use our Web Submission Resource Tool- You can log into your Association’s website at If you have not already registered to your Association’s website, please consider doing so today. Once you are registered, you will have access to various resources and benefits. We monitor daily for fast response and resolution.
Frisco Preston Hills HOA