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Landscape Design Guidelines

Date: February 10, 2025

We are writing to inform you that there has been an increase of trees missing from homeowner front yards that are not being replaced. Per your community CC&Rs (Exhibit C Section 1.1.2):

• At least one (1) canopy tree shall be located in the front yard on all lots
• Each homeowner shall be responsible for maintenance and preservation of trees located on their property and shall promptly replace dead trees within thirty (30) days when favorable planting weather exist or otherwise within sixty (60) days of loss occurrence

It is important that all community members adhere to these guidelines to preserve the values of the community properties. Failure to adhere to CC&Rs may result in further compliance actions such as fines and/or fees applied to the Owners account. We appreciate your prompt remediation of this matter.

To ensure that you are following community guidelines, you are required to complete an ACC application before proceeding with any exterior modifications. The application can be found on the HOA website: https://friscoprestonhillshoa.com/homeowner/online-forms/acc-request.aspx. For reference, please see the approved list of trees for the City of Frisco attached.

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns please reach out to us via the Online Contact Us Page.

Click here to download and read the City of Frisco Approved Plant Materials List (1)

Click here to download and read the Frisco Preston Hills_Reminder Landscape Guidelines

Frisco Preston Hills HOA

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